Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Getting Sick of Spring Break

I, as every other high school student, was exceptionally happy when that final tone sounded three times and I was finally released from the awful grind of the school day and I was set free for spring break. The first few days were great, even if I was still trapped in my house. I got out and did things. I went to the library, I did things with my friends, I spent time with Michael, all was well. But, by and by, it seems that now being stuck here with these people day after day, I think that I may just go insane. I mean I never really realized how much I hate my family until I have to spend this much time with them! My mother is driving me insane and I'm not sure how much time I can stand being here anymore.

And today is the first day this break that I have actually had nothing to do, meaning I have had somewhere to go or something to do on all the other days this week. I have no idea how may sister can handle it, she hasn't been away from that psycho for the past five days. But she is kind of a kingy and annoying person anyway, I'm sure she is just relishing this sick amount of attention.

Whatever, I guess being here and having nothing to do is always better than being super busy and stressed out, which I normally am for the rest of my time. It seems more and more that there really never is down time for me. There is always somewere to be or something to do or something that I have to work on, so I guess this week is a welcome change. Even if slowing down doens't always bring out the best in me, I guess its better than working until I'm dead, which is sometimes what it feels like.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

About Rachel

All about Rachel. What a creepy way for me to begin. Why didn't just make the title "hey, come read all about me sex criminals?" that would have been too forward i guess, i like to keep my relations with sex offenders more personal and private. Just kidding, if you are indeed a sex offender, please stop reading, its really creepy to know that you are reading things that i have written, no really stop, or at least don't rape me, thats all i can really ask for right?

oh my, tiny rant. you know, i decided to make a blog because i wasn't really liking the blandness of facebook. i used to be obsessed with it, then it got really boring really fast. last year i was all over it and i would check it all the time and now i just don't really care.

i guess i don't really have that much to write about right now. maybe its me thats boring and not facebook. at any rate, i'm sorry if you are bored to tears reading this right now, wait, why should i be sorry? Your the one that wastes thier time reading other people's blogs!! Loser.... oh my, I am one of you people. Its cool though, we can all talk about our cats and differtent kinds of tea together.

Speaking of which, I so rarely like tea. Sometimes it can be really good and favorful. My freind said she had the best tea ever when she went to Spain. But here it usually tastes really bland and I don't really like it. I'm really more of a coffee person. Coffee is so good. I just really love it. I'm not a fancy coffee drinker either (I mean, I do enjoy the occasional Starbucks run when I'll get a vanilla latte) I am usually just a regular old joe type gal, you know?

Anyway, I think thats all I really have to say right now. Promise better things next time!!